Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Puppy Park Pick-ups

Like most males, I have the uncanny ability to create subtle sexual innuendo from just about any context. Here are a few lines I've been practicing in the mirror for when I'm at the dog park. Not that I've ever muttered ANY of these words, but you never know... Be sure you wink after you say each one, it adds to the effect.

1. Nice tail.

2. Boy, I think he really likes me.

3. Very cute, how big will it get?

4. It's OK, humping is natural.

5. Sure, you can pet him all you want.

6. I'd howl too.

7. Come!

8. Nice bone.

9. The choke collar is the only thing that seems to work.

10. You know, you don't have to beg.


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