Friday, October 21, 2005

Random Thoughts #3

--I'm so glad it's Friday. I'm planning to have a nice, relaxing weekend. No going out and getting drunk or staying up all night or picking up guys that don't have cars. Not that any of those things ever happened.

--It's starting to get cold out, so I may spend an early Saturday morning cleaning out my summer closet and getting it ready for winter. That sounds fancy, but it really just involves moving the shorts to the back and the sweaters to the front.

--After work today we're having a little get-together for my co-worker Lori to celebrate the arrival of "Annie," her newly adopted daughter. I'm not much for sitting around making goo-goo eyes at babies, so hopefully it'll be short. I already bought her a cute gift bag with several little baby gifts so I'm thinking 10-15 minutes should satisfy my obligations. Unless, of course, there's alcohol.

--Last night on Will and Grace, Will was having issues with getting old and being alone. I was starting to identify with that a bit, but then I saw how fat Alec Baldwin's ass loooked in a towel and completely lost my train of thought. Eww. He looked like a hairy-chested Kirstie Alley.

--Looks like I'm heading back to NYC again. November 1-3.

--Casey's been hacking/choking on pieces of his cow hooves lately, but I just can't bear to take them away from him. Being the good Daddy that I am, I looked up and studied the Doggie Heimlich.

--OK, how excited am I to see Jake Gyllenhaal in Jarhead? I will no doubt have my butt in a movie theater seat on November 4th when it opens. I just hope I don't accidentally scream "I love you, Jake" in front of everyone. I hate it when I do that.

--I can't wait until the time change happens. It's dark when I get up and dark when I get home. I need some friggin daylight. My poor little puupy needs to play outside!!


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