Thursday, October 27, 2005

Random Thoughts #4

--Maybe I’m mean spirited, but I’d love to see a few White House aides fry for the CIA leak. Not because I’m particularly passionate about protecting the identity of covert agents, but because it’s the closest we’ve gotten so far to kicking George and Dick in the nuts (and I'm all for that).

--So I get a meeting invitation from our SVP of Sales to participate in a presentation to a very (very) large client. It includes all the company big-wigs, including our infamous CEO. Wouldn’t you know, I’m in NYC that day and can’t make it. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get another opportunity to claw my way to the top do important work for the company.

--I'm watching "Made" on MTV where Zach, a [presumably] straight high-school lacrosse jock, wants to be made into a figure skater. This kid has balls. I'm impressed with his steadfast passion for doing something so obviously faggy, in spite of all the pressure he gets from his father and teammates. He takes ballet. He designs his own outfit. And he's a little bit cute. It's funny, you should catch it.

--Lately I’ve been getting phantom vibrations in my back, close to where I keep my cell phone on my belt. At first, I thought it was just wishful thinking that someone was calling or sending me a text message, or that someone actually left a comment on my blog (AHEM). Instead, I’ve decided that it’s really a grapefruit-sized tumor from all the toxic radio waves being sent to and from my phone.

--Kudos to WNBA basketball star Sheryl Swoopes for coming out of the closet. While I was giving her her 15 minutes (I didn't even know she existed), I stumbled upon two different stories about her coming out here and here. Although they look the same at first blush, the SportsTicker article includes a very dubious statement that the AP article doesn't include. Specifically, SportTicker quotes her as saying, "I didn't always know I was gay. I honestly didn't." and "Do I think I was born this way? No. And that's probably confusing to some, because I know a lot of people believe that you are.” Ugh. She needs a kick in the cooter.

--Wow. I'm doing a lot of crotch kicking today.

--Poor Astros. In spite of their loss, congrats to them for a stellar season! I have a confession, though. In the third game, I was secretly rooting for Chicago. I felt incredibly guitly about it, but I couldn't help myself. This was the reason. Yummy.


At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I love the Michelle Kwan outfit...and I do....really, Dave...shouldn't you be thinking of something a little more age appropriate? Think Aunt Bea...
hugs and kisses...
ps...thanks for a wonderul time last night wink wink

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Dave said...

OK, Marge! At least I can get by without a girdle!

And, glad you made it back to Fairy Village without crashing that overly-nelly Lexus SUV. :)

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody as gay fabulous as you wears cell phone on his belt? Wow What is this world coming to?


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