Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Viewing Vengeance

I leave the television on for Casey during the day. I'm not sure what compels me to do this, but it instills a sense of comfort for me that he's somehow occupying himself with audio-visual stimulation. To add to this absurdity, I've struggled with what channel will fill his day.

I've tried NBC, but I don't want him watching soap operas and Judge Wapner/Judy/Amy or whoever, and especially don't like that he gets to watch an extra hour of the Today show and I don't. I've also tried ComedyCentral, but sometimes the content can get a little racy for such an innocent little pup. I finally settled on the Disney Channel, which gives him a steady supply of wholesome educational and good-natured fun throughout the day. He particularly likes the Wiggles, the Doodlebops and even JoJos Circus. They make lots of cute little noises and soothing, happy voices to keep puppy happy and cozy.

The other day a friend of mine, M., stopped by my house to let Casey out while I was out of town for work. And he called me shortly thereafter to explain that everything was fine but that he had changed the station to the Animal Planet (and teased me a little for having it on Disney). I was mortified. Have you ever WATCHED the Animal Planet? It's a steady string of veterinary shows depicting surgeries and freak injuries, ASPCA-oriented shows with mistreated animals kept in horrible conditions, and scary African shows with animals that do not run around in our neighborhood. What was he thinking showing my innocent little Casey-bear such awful things?

Next time M. goes out of town I'm going to call his wife and ask if I can babysit their two kids--we're going to stay up ALL night drinking beer and watching movies about serial killers. Popcorn anyone? :P


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