The Comforts of Home
This morning's post is brought to you from my parent's living room sofa in Marble Falls, TX. Thanks to the fully-stocked pharmacy that sits on my father's bathroom countertop, I had a glorious night's sleep. I mixed it up a little last night by choosing Lunesta over my old stand-by, Ambien. It worked wonders. The last thing I remember was crawling into bed and thinking "Crap, I forgot to take my socks off..." Needless to say, they were still on 8 hours later when my eyes peeled open. I don't even think I moved the whole night. I'm all for living better chemically.
My Dad has a doctor's appointment this morning, so I've got the house to myself. I snooped wandered around a bit while my coffee kicked in to see what these guys have been up to since I was here last. The kitchen's been redone. Nice new countertops, a tile backslash and new appliances. And I love their new sink. I'm jealous. The guest bathroom has a new shower curtain and a cute little antique lamp near the sink. There's a new refrigerator under the bar with a glass door. There would be wine in there if my parents were drinkers. Instead it's filled with Coke and Sprite and Diet Rite (yay). All the photos of the grandkids have been updated and rearranged. They've even got a picture of me holding Casey. Awwww.
I'd be remiss if I didn't report the obvious increase in items related to my Dad's illness. [If you haven't been keeping up, he's very ill with cancer]. Next to his recliner is a large grey respirator for his breathing treatments. There are tubes and masks and assorted boxes of inhalation solutions. There are also charts and reminders everywhere, obviously created on the computer by my anal retentive (but well-intentioned) mother. One list includes all my father's medicines to take and when to take them. It's quite the list. Hanging off the new (and very fancy) exercise bike is a chart for tracking their workouts. Mom has even thought to include sample stretching exercises on the reverse side. Oh, and it's laminated. Go figure.
But enough about that. I've got a full plate of cinnamon rolls to eat and a big fat Vicodin (for my, um, sore, um BACK) waiting to be swallowed. Yes, my back is REALLY hurting, Mom. Does Dad have anything for that? :)
Maybe it was just me, but I couldn't get the link, "me holding Casey" to open.
Sorry! Try again.
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