Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Random Thoughts #5

--I got a call from my ex last night asking me if I would consider investing in the company he works for. He said the shares (not publicly-traded mind you) are currently worth about $1.50 each. I told him I'd take 20-30, because I'm almost out of toilet paper.

--We also discussed meeting up in San Antonio over Thanksgiving holiday. Looks like we've got dinner and drinks planned with some friends. And then a sleepover at our his friend Chuck's house. Should be fun. We are NOT going to have sex. We're not. No seriously, I mean it. Really.

--My name, including the middle initial, is exactly the same as a person on the "No Fly" list as established by the FAA. His birthday is also three days and one year from mine. Alas, I am unnecessarily detained at every airport ticket counter in the continental United States. I wonder what he did to get on that list. I bet you 50 bucks I've done worse.

--"A significant winter storm" is in the forecast. Ugh.

--I'm going to start boycotting products with doorbells in their commercials. I'm sure I can speak for many of the dog owners in the world when I say that doorbells in commercials are an unnecessary torture for our naive four-legged friends. Poor Casey, he just doesn't get it.

--Volvo is Latin for "I Roll." I think that's cool. I contemplated getting a personalized license plate with that on it, but I figured someone might interpret it as a reference to using Ecstasy. When I shared this with a friend, he suggested I make it "IROLLOVR." Imagine how THAT would have been interpreted.

--OK, so I just ran to the QuickTrip (Kansas' version of 7-11, Stop-N-Go, etc.) to buy some cigarettes milk, and when I pulled up, I saw our local NBC sports anchor walking out with a bottle in a paper bag. Hilarious.

--I was chatting on gay.com for a bit tonight and got to thinking how appalled a stranger (like my Mom) would be if they saw some of these screen names. Some of the names are kinda funny, though: ruffuk, ridemy9, mrsucnfuc, hungbignvers, udomeidou, spunkluvr, and my personal favorite--LagunaButch. People are crazy.


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dave!

I don't know how I forgot to put your blog on my Love list. I'm always here visiting!

I updated my list accordingly ;)

- Justin

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Michael said...

One of my favorite gay.com screennames isn't even dirty. It's "evillawyer." Because duh...all lawyers are evil, and then you figure out he's a Lawyer who lives in the East Village. OK, maybe it's only funny to me.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger David said...

Very funny post, although I don't believe that you and your Ex aren't going to be getting naked and recreating some old times. I just hope the old times are good enough to warrant a hands-on trip down memory lane!


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