Random Thoughts #7
--Friday night cutie-pie Matt and I went to dinner and to see "The Chronicles of Narnia." I liked the movie a lot. I read all of C.S. Lewis' books when I was just knee-high to a grasshopper, and I really thought I would remember more of the story. Oddly, all I could recall was that somewhere in the story there was a Lion, a Witch and a Wardrobe. But then I started to calculate how long ago it was when I read them. And then I changed the subject.
--Every holiday season I send cards to friends and family. I like to go all out with the coolest and highest quality cards I can find. For my gay friends this year I got these really cute, pink glittery ones with a tiny present dangling from a white bow on the front (campy Christmas is fun). There were 8 in the box. What I didn't know was that the pretty little white bow was only tied for the one on the front of the box. The remaining 7 cards I was supposed to tie myself. Ummmm, no. They're going back tomorrow, even the one I wrote in. I have neither the skill nor the patience to tie stupid little bows on cards that cost $2.50 a piece.
--My mother called me tonight about 7pm for help with a computer problem. Apparently she had been trying to get her address book that she typed in Excel to merge with some labels in Word. I had her send me the file and I created a merge file and had it back to her in about 5 minutes. She e-mails me back and says thanks, because she had been trying to get it merged since 9am this morning. Poor thing. She's really better off with a typewriter sometimes. Well, except when it comes to Free Cell.
--Casey and I went to PetSmart on Saturday to get his picture taken with Santa. Although we eventually got a decent pitcure, it wasn't really the experience I was hoping to have. Right after we got finished with Santa, he took an uncharacteristically runny shit right in the middle of aisle seven. It was so messy that I had to ask this pimply-faced teenaged employee to hold him for me while I cleaned it up. He just stood there and watched. Ya know, not for nothing, but as much money as I spend at that goddamn store, someone could clean up a little diarrhea for me. What ever happened to "Clean up on aisle seven?" Oh well, crawling on the floor in a crowded retail store cleaning up shit has a way of humbling you. I suppose I needed it.
--As I was typing, I couldn't decide whether it's "PetsMart" (as in a Mart for Pets), or PetSmart (as in smart pets, or pets that are smart, or something). I landed on PetsMart because it made more sense to me. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Learn from my mistakes.
--I watched "Mysterious Skin" on Saturday. That Joseph Gordon-Leavitt is really growing up. And in a good way. A really good way.
--Purely by accident, I learned this weekend that the small black box in the middle of a laptop power cord also can serve as a nice little mini-heater for your sweatpants on a cold winter morning. Just a tip.
--I'm not worthy... I actually got an e-mail from John Moe granting me permission to reprint his [imho] hilarious list. Between this and Hot Toddy from the famed Hot Toddy's Toaster Oven visiting my site (and commenting!), I'm going to have to have to start tiding up around here. With all these dangling participles and split infinitives, a guy can get a complex. Maybe I can get a Blog Maid. What a cool job.
Yes, please do not ever make any grammatical errors on this blog, or I'll be furious because I never make missstakes.
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