Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Rat Race

As I look ahead in the checkout line at Best Buy, I wonder where all these goddamn people hide at other times of the year. I am certain we are violating a fire code. I bet from the security cameras near the ceiling it looks like an ant farm. And well, this particulat impatient ant can't wait in line. And as I walk back to the car, I realize that due to this impatience, I'll now have to repeat the same process, but at another store, at a time even closer to Christmas. Methinks, "OK, maybe I'll try Wal-Mart."

Park on the very back row. Freeze my ass off walking inside. More people than Best Buy, but these customers aren't nearly as evolved as the ants at the previous store. They only have one of what I'm looking for, and it's ugly. And then, on my way out, I slam right into a basket while turning a corner, only to look up and see a guy I dated once for about 3 weeks. I smiled, hesitantly. He forced one back. I don't think I ever really broke up with him, I just stopped calling. I'm sure he secretly wished that he broke my wrist when I ran into his cart. I secretly wished I was at Best Buy.

And that was only at lunch. After work, I've got to:

Pick up my dry-cleaning.
Get invitations for New Year's Eve party.
Stop at the Apple store.
Drop off videos.
Pick up prescription refill.
Go to the bank.
Clean house.
Take Lucas and Sarah to dinner.
Drop presents off at Doug's.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll get some sleep before my flight takes off tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. And if I don't, it's nothing to worry about. I've got 6 full days of sleeping and eating ahead of me. HO HO HO!


At 2:43 PM, Blogger KipEsquire said...

Where are you going? :-)

At 5:35 PM, Blogger David said...

He's going to Texas Kip, pay attention! ; )

Cross the tanning off your list Dave. Do I need to email you the power point presentation from my Pathophysiology class about sun damage. (Skin cancer, thickening of the skin, or worst of all, premature aging of your skin.)


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