Monday, January 30, 2006

Notes from Florida

--I felt like the coolest person on the plane watching movies on my Treo 650. But that feeling disappeared when my bootleg copy of Jarhead cut off 10 minutes before the ending. Oh well. At least I got to see Jake's ass.

--My board meeting yesterday afternoon went well. It only lasted an hour and a half. We did roll call, approved some minutes, voted on a couple of things, then broke for cocktails and two more days of sun and fun. Now THAT'S working.

--So far, Marco Island hasn't materialized as a haven for hot guys. In fact, I think they may be banned from the island altogether. All we've seen so far is grey hair, sunburns and a LOT of flabby underarms. And I was worried about my skimpy swim suit. I think I'm gonna go eat some doughnuts.

--Doug and I celebrated our arrival by gorging ourselves at the Fat Pelican Sushi Bar. I had a bug in my martini, but I just picked it out and kept eating (and drinking). Hey, when in Florida...

--Turns out, we're the youngest people on the island. By about 30 years. To fit in, we're going to Wal-Mart and buying some black socks and white sneakers. So we can socialize with the locals, we're gonna join then for a two mile walk at the mall at 5:45am.

--Pics later this eve!


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