Random Thoughts #10
--Thanks to some excellent (and much needed) help from my friend Doug, the cornices are up in the bedroom and they look great. Sadly, we neglected to document the occasion as I was hoping to. Mainly because these days it's getting hard for me to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. We DID, however, take a video of me sawing a piece of wood with my super-charged, laser-guided circular saw. But after further review, I decided it wasn't the kind of quality work you've grown to expect from me. [Translation: I looked like shit.] More pics to come.
--On Sunday Doug and I found some really nice fabric at the fabric store and I bought 11 yards of it to make curtains in the bedroom. I've never made curtains before, but I'm jumping in feet first. We bought some special tape that you iron on (as opposed to sewing), but I'm a little skeptical. I think I may invest in a really good sewing machine.
--I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I really enjoyed going to the fabric store. It's really amazing how much stuff you can make yourself as opposed to just paying full retail price. The only bad thing is that there's not a lot of eye candy like at Best Buy or the mall. Oh well, I do a good job of blending in with Mildred, Dorothy and Eunice. And THEY think I'm hot.
--This coming Sunday I'm dragging Doug with me to Marco Island, Florida for a conference I'm attending. I won't actually be dragging him, though, I have a dolly I use for him. If everything goes to plan, I should have at least one, maybe two days on the beach. And while I'm looking forward to that, I'm having serious concerns about my ability to fit into my adorable little box-cut D&G trunks I bought this summer. If I stop eating RIGHT NOW, I might be able to squeeze into them without people pointing and laughing. And by the way, what IS the appropriate attire for an air boat ride in the Everglades?
--At lunch I'm going home to meet the contractor that remodeled my bathroom about a year ago. Saturday morning after I took a nice long shower, I went down to the dining room to see water dripping from the ceiling onto my dining room table. I'm no expert in plumbing, but I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen.
--One of my staff is in town from Louisville today. He likes to make fun of me for constantly buying new electronic gadgets and phones. As I was showing him my newfound video capabilities on my Treo, he says, "Ah, that's kinda like my Video iPod." Uh oh. I smell a fight coming on. En garde!
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