Interesting Tidbits
From Harper's Magazine (various issues):
Percentage approval rating of Bill Clinton the day after impeachment and George W. Bush in November 2005, respectively: 73, 34 [The Gallup Organization (Princeton, N.J.)]
Percentage of Russians today who approve of the direction their country took under Stalin: 37 [VCIOM (Moscow)]
Number of U.S. prisoners serving life sentences with no parole for crimes they committed while juveniles: 2,225 [Human Rights Watch (N.Y.C.)]
Number of prisoners serving such sentences in all other countries worldwide: 12 [Human Rights Watch (N.Y.C.) ]
Percentage by which circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection, according to a study in South Africa: 60 [Bertran Auvert, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)]
Percentage of free condoms distributed in India that are used for purposes other than sex: 75 [Rama Kant, King George Medical University (Lucknow, India)]
Number of Alabama state senators co-sponsoring a bill last summer to “protect” public displays of the Ten Commandments: 10 [M. J. Ellington, Decatur Daily (Montgomery, Ala.)]
Number of them who could list the Commandments: 1 [M. J. Ellington, Decatur Daily (Montgomery, Ala.)]
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