This morning as I was getting dressed, I heard a faint, but unrecognizable splintering sound, followed closely by a substantial thud. Casey heard it too and perked up his ears in curiosity, but since it seemed outside of our realm of concern, we both shrugged it off. Several minutes went by and then we heard sirens. And they weren't Dopplerized sirens that we're used to hearing--they were stopping close to the house.
As I hopped in the car and pulled (way too easily) onto the main street by my house, I saw three police cruisers, an ambulance and a firetruck all centered directly in the middle of the road. Apparently, a small, light blue Chevy pick-up truck had swerved to the right side of the road, knocked down a street light, then headed to the other side of the road, directly into my neighbors yard. As I drove by, I saw the smoking truck parked solidly in their back yard against a large tree--about 20 feet of fence was somewhere underneath the tires.
I'm glad I don't live directly on that street. The thought of having some drunk park his car in my living room is a bit much for me to take. If that tree weren't there, my neighbors would have eaten their breakfast off the hood of a Chevy this morning. Here's to hoping no one got hurt...
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