Boomer Sooner
I'm just about to get on the road to go to Oklahoma City for the weekend. My Mom and Dad are driving up from Texas to my sister's house in Norman, OK and I'm going to meet them there for a little family reunion. I absolutely hate driving for long distances (it's 5+ hours--ugh), but since my folks are making the effort, I figured it was the least I could do. The weekend should be packed with non-stop eating, youth sports activities, napping and watching the OU football game. Coke Floats will no doubt be sprinkled throughout.
I'm taking the laptop so I can find a trick online blog and upload pics, so more to come on the adventure. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
It's my home-state! Don't do it! Dont' go!
OK, you were warned.
A beautiful journey to ya killa!
ever come to houston?
It's good that you take your laptop for some, um, recreation!
Obviously, recreation was all it was used for, since I type this Monday morning and there are no pics.
I hate when someone asks me to come along, and then changes his mind without telling me.
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