The Answer: Salt Lake City
I finally got to press flesh (a hug, perverts) with my esteemed Blog Buddy David while in Salt Lake City for business. We had a lovely time seeing sights around the city, dropping by his school and work, and dining on the freshest fish (but smallest martini) the city had to offer. Now since he decided to post an AWFUL picture of me, I shall post the picture I snapped of him while we ate dinner...I had a really nice time with him; I felt like I've known him for years. Here are a few topics of conversation during our visit so that you can feel like you were there with us...
--How totally hot and adorable we both look in person.
--Jaundiced mechanical patients.
--Our collective lack of interest in being stars of the Blogosphere.
--His new (very cute) co-worker Brandon. Or Jason. Or maybe Bill.
--City parks with wireless internet.
--Nursing outfits.
--His busy schedule, my hum-drum life.
--The poor interior ergonomics of a Ford Explorer.
--The lack of gay bars in SLC.
--Shoulder farts (ask him about these).
--The special Mormon handshake (that he didn't offer to teach me).
--Whether or not 18 basketball goals are too many for a single gymnasium.
--The details of rectal surgery on the elderly.
--Why the Treo 650 is the coolest gadget on the planet (ok, not really).
--How next time I visit we should plan more time for sex.
I really enjoyed my time in SLC. My meeting went well, had a great visit with David, and I slept like a rock in the hotel, which is rare for me. But I'd be lying if I told you that these things were more fun than talking to three unbelievably adorable Mormon missionaries while standing in the security line at the airport. One of whom, I shit you not, sported a name tag that said "Elder Woody." God bless the Mormons.
I think you only need to be 18, or even 16, to be a Mormon Elder.
Mark Foley, eat your heart out...
I didn't know you eat fish. I guess as long as it's the freshest fish Salt Lake City had to offer ...
I see nothing wrong with the photo of you on his blog, actually it's pretty sweet. You are such a handsome guy (as he noted).
um that last comment about sex threw me off a bit.. wha??
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