Friday, November 03, 2006

"Meth, Massage, No Sex" MY ASS

I really can't decide how I feel about the Ted Haggard scandal. On one hand, it's nice to see hypocrisy exposed in such an egregious fashion. Karma surely had a hand in that. However, his behavior isn't exactly good press for the gays, either. Drugs and prostitution isn't exactly something we'd like mainstream America to associate with gayness. Especially overweight, 49 year-old prostitutes espousing marriage rights. Gimme a break.

But I'm going to keep watching this story unfold. Because only in America will people buy the story that a sex-starved preacher can snort $200 worth of crystal meth and ONLY get a massage. In fact, I'd like to see that replicated in a laboratory setting. I don't think it can be done.


At 3:08 PM, Blogger KipEsquire said...

But he didn't snort -- he threw it away.

Wink, wink.

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Overweight? Don't you know what a muscular build looks like? Oh wait I bet you are like 130 lbs.

I agree with you though, it does give me a bad feeling about the Gays. Plus it probably means that the Christianists will use this as "See we are all tempted to have gay sex" crap.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Umm, yeah. I was 130 pounds in the third grade. Try 205 (and growing). :P

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait! This drug dealing "massage therapist" is a "hero" according to certain blogs.

I'm still waiting to see the blue dress that is sure to pop up.

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish he would have recieved the same brochures from a Christian "deprogramming" group that I did from my parents when I first came out to them. The Christian way to approaching the gay demon feelings we have is not to inhale an 8 ball of crystal meth and call your established gay love "escort" massage therapist, but to engage in "ejaculatory meditation". Now go with god yall and praise jesus, but in a safe and self gratifying way.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it's Sunday afternoon now and it's pretty much confirmed...the man has been deep in the closet for a very long time, and is very self-loathing. I hope that for his sake and for his family's sake, and frankly for everyone's sake he has the sense to stop hating himself, to embrace his sexuality and to come out as a gay man. What I fear is that he is so self-loathing that he will be headed straight for some type of ex-gay ministry, will come out of it claiming to now be "fixed", and will continue on in the closet and continue to attack gays and gay rights.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the term "self-loathing". Even if this man lies to himself and others in public, that doesn't mean he hates himself.

At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mean he was self-loathing because of his lying. I took that he was self-loathing from what he said about his being gay...he talked about (I'm paraphrasing) "this terrible thing I have been struggling with for many many years". When someone talks like that, I guess I tend to think they are self-loathing, meaning, they hate themselves, because of this part of themselves that they see as evil and that they cannot accept and that they fight against. When you keep fighting and keep losing, you end up hating yourself. I am perhaps projecting onto Mr. Haggard my own experience, I confess. But I stand by my use of the impugned term, nonetheless.


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