Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 "To Do" List

I mentioned earlier this month that I was putting together a list of things I'd like to accomplish in the upcoming year, either for personal growth or just plain fun. I promise to share each of them with you as I check off the list. The pressure of all of you looking over my shoulder will definitely help me do them.

1. Take a weekend camping trip.
2. Attend at least two cultural events.
3. Take an overnight road trip on
the motorcycle.
4. Go on three consecutive dates with the same person.
5. Redecorate my upstairs office area.
6. Go on a job interview.
7. Reconnect with two lost friends.
8. Write something and have it published.
9. Go skinny dipping.
10. Attend a class to learn something new.


At 8:42 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

I'm sure there would be many of your readers wanting to look over your shoulder as you do #9.

And if you do #4, find out if he has a single, gay, reasonably attractive, slightly less-discerning brother.


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