Random Thoughts # 31
--I've been feverishly writing all morning, but this time for work. Sadly, I was forced to use one of my least favorite corporate words to describe a task I'm working on: I was "vetting" a product concept. It sounds official, but really it means that I am just disproving a stupid-ass idea that was hatched like a foot-long turd by a member of the executive team. Probably while golfing. "I know! We can sell water to the ocean! Woo-Hoo am I smart or WHAT?? Dave--get on that, stat!" Kill. Me.
--Later in the year I will be reprimanded as being a barrier to outside-the-box thinking. This will earn me another EE, no doubt.
--People that double-blink aggressively while they're talking to me really make me nervous. Last time I checked, it's not necessary for your forehead and cheeks to touch in order for your eyes to close. Admit it, you just tried it didn't you?
--I got a sandwich and a drink from Arby's today (OK, fine, I had some curly fries, too) and on the side of the drink cup, I saw that Dr. Pepper is having a contest to give away 23 Hummers. "Internet Access and E-mail Required," said the label. Curious, I pulled the "Pull to Win" sticker off the cup where I was instructed to proceed to drpepper.com where I could enter my codes to see if I won. When I got back to the office (moments ago), I did just that. However, I bailed on the process because I was required to enter my name, home address, birth date, e-mail, gender, race, home and cell phone numbers, and even what Dr. Pepper brand soda I preferred before I was even able to enter the code (which I didn't do). What kind of a dumbass created that contest? And worse, who the hell wants a friggin Hummer as a prize? The truck, I mean.
--A while back, if you recall, I had a little crush on an Asian guy here at work. Eh, it really wasn't so much a crush as it was that I needed someone to stalk and he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Anywho, I saw him at Arby's reading a very thick book and sitting in a posture that looked a lot like praying (eyes closed, hands folded). I had no idea that Arby's was such a holy place. Now ya know...
--I apologize for not having posted any Peek Pics lately. My camera has been "occupied" by anonymous apartment-hunting houseguests for both business and pleasure purposes. But now he's gone and I have it in my hot little hand. Pictures shall commence forthrightly. Mine, not his. Perverts.
First we saw the decline and fall of supermarket coupons.
Then we saw the decline and fall of mail-in rebates.
Stupidities like this drpepper.com thing are no doubt an endangered species.
See also, "registering for online newspaper access."
Thank goodness you specified that "it" was a truck, because I was getting worried for a minute.
Well, sort of.
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